Monday, August 26, 2013

Blog#6- Curley's Wife Dead- Pages 80-94

   I was playing a horseshoe game with the men of the ranch until I heard screaming from the barn. Old Candy summoned me into the barn and I found out that Curley’s wife was dead. She was half covered in hay and her lips were separated. She looked as if she was still living. I told Old Candy to stay in the barn and tell everybody what happened while I go to the bunk house. I just don’t want to come out of the barn and let everybody think that I killed Curley’s wife. Once the guys find out, I will come out and act like I never saw her.

I feel like Lennie did not do this on purpose. He didn’t mean to kill Curley’s wife. I thought to myself that Lennie should be locked up where people would treat him nicely. Curley is one of the few men that want to kill him. I am forced by Curley to join the manhunt for Lennie. I wanted Old Candy to stay by Curley’s wife while I was away. Old Candy did it for me without any complaints. 

1 comment:

  1. This is interestiing. i do feel bad for curley's wife. i agree that lennie did not do this on purpose.
