Monday, August 26, 2013

Blog#4- Lenny and The Fight with Curley - Pages 47-62

I had this conversation with the old swamper, whose name is Candy, about letting him pay for the future house that me and Lennie always dreamed of having. He would be hoeing the land and talking care of our livestock. Candy explained that if he stayed on the ranch, he would want himself to be shot because he is old and has nowhere else to go. I feel his pain, especially he is as lonely as Lennie was when his Aunt pasted away. At first, I did not want to share the house with Candy because he was a complete stranger when I met him and on the other hand I have known Lennie longer than him. But when he said that he was not going to get no more jobs, I thought that I otta help him out. Lennie wouldn’t mind the old man as much as long as he has company.

Today, I saw a fight between Curley and Lennie. I thought that it was the most intense fight that I ever saw in my life. Before the fight started, Curley was arguing with Slim. Curley thought that Slim was going out with his wife. Slim was tired of him asking the same question. Then Lennie was still smiling about the house that me, him and old swamper were going to have in the future. Curley thought that Lennie was laughing at him and ordered for him to get up on his feet. Lennie, who did not know what to do, kept calling to me for help. I told him to let him have it. Lennie was still trying to understand what I said. Suddenly, before I know it, they were fighting. Curley let out about six punches at Lennie, bruising him. Lennie started to squeeze his hand so hard in order to stop Curley from punching him. Eventually, Curley’s hand was crushed and Slim had Carlson take him to the hospital in the Candy wagon. Slim told Curley that if he told his dad that Lennie had crushed his hand, then they would tell the boss that he started the fight. So Curley agreed that everybody would tell his dad that his hand was crushed by machinery.

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