Monday, August 26, 2013

Blog#2- Trouble in the Bunkhouse - Pages 16-30

Blog #2:
Lennie and I finally arrived at the ranch. We were shown to our room by an old swamper. He told us all about a blacksmith who left a can of bug killer under the bed. The boss came in and demanded an explanation why Lennie and I couldn’t help him this morning. The boss kept saying that Lennie did not speak much. He did not like me talking for Lennie all the time because he thought that maybe I was trying to trick him. When the boss left, the old swamper came back in and asked how the boss was. All of a sudden, a boy came into the room. He started to stare at Lennie and I. He acted like the boss and challenged Lennie to say something. I kept telling this boy to leave Lennie alone. After several attempts, he left. The old swamper came back and said that the boy’s name was Curley and that he was the Boss’ son. Curley was a lightweight and had been married for two weeks. The wife would flirt with the other ranch workers. The swamper thought that she was a cheater. 

I felt sorry that Lennie was being treated badly by the boss’ son. The old swamper said that since Curley was a little guy, he would pick fights with boys that were bigger than him. I don’t like mean little guys, when they fight, they break bones. I feel like I have to protect Lennie from harm against this boy. I agree with the old man that Curley’s wife is a tarta  and I am afraid that Lennie might fall for her. If that happens, then we would have to run away again. I feel that the boss can be a strict fellow and he will always defend his son. Overall, I think working here is going to be hell. 

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