Monday, August 26, 2013

Blog#8- Found Lennie and Having to Shoot Him But in a Happy Way- Pages 95-103

I was looking for Lennie in the brush when I found him talking to himself. I had no idea who he was talking to.  Lennie must have been in his own world. He looked very miserable. I went to him because I did not want Curley to find him. If Curley had found him, he would have killed him for fun and made him suffer or he would have sent him to prison. I felt a lot of pity towards  Lennie because I knew the rest of his life would be painful. So I decided to shoot him myself.

Before I shot Lennie, I told him about the future house we were going to get. I did this so that Lennie could die happy. To tell you the truth, the idea of killing Lennie was a tough decision. This reminds me a while back, when Old Candy had to have his dog shot and he said that he had known his dog since he was a pup.  But the only difference was that Carlson had to shoot the dog instead of Old Candy. He couldn’t do it himself because it was too painful for him. I myself was not able to do it right away: my hand was shaking while I was trying to pull the trigger. But I had to do it because it was better for him to die happily than to die painfully or be imprisoned for the rest of his life. My last few words is that Lennie will get to tend plenty of rabbits in heaven.


Blog#7- What Will Happen to Lennie When I Find Him -Pages 80-94

I told Lennie before we came to the ranch, that in case he got in trouble, was to hide in the brush and wait there to I come for him. I agreed to go with Curley on the manhunt for Lennie. I will pretend that I am helping Curley find Lennie so that he could be killed but the person I am really trying to help is Lennie.  I will go with the guys and when it gets dark I will try to sneak out of the group and find Lennie on my own. I hope that my plan is successful and that Lennie will be safe in the brush.

I might not punish Lennie for what he did to Curley’s wife because like I said earlier, he did not mean to kill Curley’s wife. He probably thought that she was like a puppy and killed her like he killed the puppies before. Lennie has big hands: big enough to carry a stack of hay. Lennie is not that intelligent and he doesn’t realize that his hands are extremely strong. He is not a criminal; he just needs to be paid attention to. Maybe if we get the farm, he will be less likely to get in trouble. 

Blog#6- Curley's Wife Dead- Pages 80-94

   I was playing a horseshoe game with the men of the ranch until I heard screaming from the barn. Old Candy summoned me into the barn and I found out that Curley’s wife was dead. She was half covered in hay and her lips were separated. She looked as if she was still living. I told Old Candy to stay in the barn and tell everybody what happened while I go to the bunk house. I just don’t want to come out of the barn and let everybody think that I killed Curley’s wife. Once the guys find out, I will come out and act like I never saw her.

I feel like Lennie did not do this on purpose. He didn’t mean to kill Curley’s wife. I thought to myself that Lennie should be locked up where people would treat him nicely. Curley is one of the few men that want to kill him. I am forced by Curley to join the manhunt for Lennie. I wanted Old Candy to stay by Curley’s wife while I was away. Old Candy did it for me without any complaints. 

Blog#5- Reasons Why I was mad at Old Candy and Lennie- Pages 63-79


I came back from town and was surprised about two things. One was that Lennie and old Candy were in a black man’s room. His name is Crooks and he is the stable boy. He has his bunk in the stables themselves. We call him Crooks because he has a crooked back. I don’t like the fact that Lennie and old Candy were in Crooks’ room because he is not allowed in the bunkhouse and likewise we shouldn’t stay in his bunk. Blacks and whites don’t mix together. I wonder what made Lennie think that he had the right to go in there behind my back. Old Candy I am not worried about but he should know better because he is way past grown to know it.

The second reason is that Lennie and old Candy told Crooks about the house we were going to have in the future. I would not be surprised of how jealous he would be about that idea. The next thing that I expect, he will ask if he could live with us. I think that we have enough people living with us in total. If he were to live with us, we would stay on the ranch more to get more money working. On the other hand, if he is willing to help us, he could help, but he could not live with us. Like I said, blacks and whites are not meant to mix. I am sure that some person might change how people will live in the future but for now, Crooks will have to wait. 

Blog#4- Lenny and The Fight with Curley - Pages 47-62

I had this conversation with the old swamper, whose name is Candy, about letting him pay for the future house that me and Lennie always dreamed of having. He would be hoeing the land and talking care of our livestock. Candy explained that if he stayed on the ranch, he would want himself to be shot because he is old and has nowhere else to go. I feel his pain, especially he is as lonely as Lennie was when his Aunt pasted away. At first, I did not want to share the house with Candy because he was a complete stranger when I met him and on the other hand I have known Lennie longer than him. But when he said that he was not going to get no more jobs, I thought that I otta help him out. Lennie wouldn’t mind the old man as much as long as he has company.

Today, I saw a fight between Curley and Lennie. I thought that it was the most intense fight that I ever saw in my life. Before the fight started, Curley was arguing with Slim. Curley thought that Slim was going out with his wife. Slim was tired of him asking the same question. Then Lennie was still smiling about the house that me, him and old swamper were going to have in the future. Curley thought that Lennie was laughing at him and ordered for him to get up on his feet. Lennie, who did not know what to do, kept calling to me for help. I told him to let him have it. Lennie was still trying to understand what I said. Suddenly, before I know it, they were fighting. Curley let out about six punches at Lennie, bruising him. Lennie started to squeeze his hand so hard in order to stop Curley from punching him. Eventually, Curley’s hand was crushed and Slim had Carlson take him to the hospital in the Candy wagon. Slim told Curley that if he told his dad that Lennie had crushed his hand, then they would tell the boss that he started the fight. So Curley agreed that everybody would tell his dad that his hand was crushed by machinery.

Blog#3- Getting to Know Slim - Pages 30-46

Me and Lennie finally met Slim who is the jerkline skinner. Slim is respected by all workers because he could skin barley for more than sixteen miles. He talks in a calm manner. He walks like a prince and it is hard to tell his exact age.  Slim just got puppies.  This fat looking man named Carlson mentioned that they should shoot the old swamper’s dog because it was smelly and the old swamper would get some puppies in exchange.  Lennie tried to sneak in the pups into the bunkroom without me looking. I told him to take the pups back to their mother. At this point, Carlson took the old swamper’s dog to be executed on the grounds that he was in bad condition and that by killing it, the suffering would end.

I think that Slim is a nice guy compared to Curley who is mean and nasty. Slim asked me politely why me and Lennie are always together. I told him that I toke him in working when his aunt died, since we lived in the same town. Slim said that usually the workers on the ranch don’t spend much time with each other. So Slim was saying that we were the only ones that care about each other. I appreciate that Slim is not taking my relationship with Lennie as a bad thing. You know what worries me though? Lennie might want to sleep with the pups since he can’t get his eyes off of them. Lennie as you know when he gets his hands on animals, he tends to kill them. I just don’t want Slim to know that Lennie killed his dog babies. 

Blog#2- Trouble in the Bunkhouse - Pages 16-30

Blog #2:
Lennie and I finally arrived at the ranch. We were shown to our room by an old swamper. He told us all about a blacksmith who left a can of bug killer under the bed. The boss came in and demanded an explanation why Lennie and I couldn’t help him this morning. The boss kept saying that Lennie did not speak much. He did not like me talking for Lennie all the time because he thought that maybe I was trying to trick him. When the boss left, the old swamper came back in and asked how the boss was. All of a sudden, a boy came into the room. He started to stare at Lennie and I. He acted like the boss and challenged Lennie to say something. I kept telling this boy to leave Lennie alone. After several attempts, he left. The old swamper came back and said that the boy’s name was Curley and that he was the Boss’ son. Curley was a lightweight and had been married for two weeks. The wife would flirt with the other ranch workers. The swamper thought that she was a cheater. 

I felt sorry that Lennie was being treated badly by the boss’ son. The old swamper said that since Curley was a little guy, he would pick fights with boys that were bigger than him. I don’t like mean little guys, when they fight, they break bones. I feel like I have to protect Lennie from harm against this boy. I agree with the old man that Curley’s wife is a tarta  and I am afraid that Lennie might fall for her. If that happens, then we would have to run away again. I feel that the boss can be a strict fellow and he will always defend his son. Overall, I think working here is going to be hell. 

Blog #1- Lennie and Me - Pages 1-15

Blog entry #1:                                                                                                      Pages 1-15

Lennie and I are running away because Lennie got in trouble in the town of Weed. Lennie touched a girl by her dress as if she was a mouse. Lennie always has me running away from places because he either forgets something at a job or gets in trouble with a girl. Right now, Lennie and I are trying to find a job at a ranch. I told Lennie that he should not say anything to the owner of the ranch because he would notice that Lennie is forgetful.

Lennie can be annoying whenever we are travelling to another ranch. For example, he made me so upset one day that he asked to leave me alone so that he could live in a cave. I thought that Lennie could not live in a cave by himself. He can forget things and might be hunted down by coyotes. Aunt Clara would not like to hear that I let Lennie go off on his own.